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I am an Argentine musician and born in Buenos Aires. Since 2008 until 2014 I have lived in Madrid and at present reside in the German city Frankfurt am Main. 

Dedicated especially to the interpretation of ancient music (from the baroque to early romanticism) and passionate about researching its sources and execution practices, I have focused in ancient instruments (Transverse flutes) but without abandoning the modern flute. 

In the year 2002 I travelled to Italy to carry out professional enhancement in “Flauto Traverso Barocco e Prassi Essecutiva”, studying with Stefano Bet in the “Scuola di Musica Antica di Venezia”. Again in the years 2004 and 2006 I did intensive individual trainings with Stefano Bet.
I attended courses in baroque music interpretation dictated respectively by 
Wilbert Hazelzet, Jaques Ogg,  Bartold Kuijken and Marc Hantaï.

As a freelance musician I develop my professional activity in different parts of Europe and also in my country, to which I travel regularly.

I integrate and have participated in different ensembles, among others: “L´Arcadia”; “Ensemble Divertimento Classico”, “Taschenoper x 3”, “Pequeña Forma Barroca”, (Buenos Aires), in addition to being regularly called to participate in different musical projects.

I studied music in the “Antiguo Conservatorio Beethoven” of Buenos Aires with the Italian maestro Bruno Bragato. Later I continued studying my instrument with Eleonor Muchnik and completed my training with several scholarships in chamber music. I participated in the “Intensive Course on Interpretation and Performance Technique” taught by Felix Renggli (Musikakademie Basel) in Buenos Aires.

I have collaborated, as a member or as a soloist, with several orchestras in my country. Among others: "Orquesta de Opera de la Fundación Konex-Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires”, “Orquesta de la Asociación Lagun Onak”," Orquesta de Cámara Eurythmia”, “Orquesta Sinfónica de Húrlingham”, as well as integrating numerous chamber music ensembles, performing with them in the main theatres and concert halls.



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Teaching has occupied an important space in my profession.

In addition to intense activity in private lessons, since 1992 to 2008 I was the principal teacher for flute and chamber music at the Department of Music of St. Hilda´s College of Buenos Aires.


Since 1998 to 2008 I was Deputy Director of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Hurlingham City.


I am regularly invited by different educactional and cultural institutions to offer didactic concerts, talks and to dictate courses and seminars.



Thank you for visiting my page.

Best regards

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